
MetroPCS vs Boost Mobile

With the ever-increasing demand for reliable mobile services, it can be overwhelming to choose between the various options available in the market. Two popular choices for prepaid wireless carriers in the United States are MetroPCS and Boost Mobile. Both offer competitive plans, coverage, and device options, making it essential to understand the differences between them. In this article, we will compare MetroPCS and Boost Mobile across various aspects, helping you make an informed decision.

MetroPCS vs Boost Mobile

MetroPCS vs Boost Mobile

When selecting a wireless carrier, it’s crucial to consider factors such as network coverage, plan options, device compatibility, customer service, and additional features. By exploring these aspects, we can determine which carrier aligns better with your needs and preferences.

Background: Overview of MetroPCS and Boost Mobile

MetroPCS, a subsidiary of T-Mobile, has been providing prepaid wireless services since 2002. It operates using T-Mobile’s network infrastructure, offering customers reliable coverage and a wide range of plan options.

Boost Mobile, on the other hand, is a prepaid wireless provider owned by Dish Network. It utilizes the Sprint network and provides competitive plans, appealing to budget-conscious users who value affordability without compromising on network performance.

Network Coverage Comparison

One of the primary concerns for mobile users is network coverage. Let’s compare the coverage offered by MetroPCS and Boost Mobile to determine their reach and reliability.

3.1 MetroPCS Network Coverage

MetroPCS leverages T-Mobile’s network, providing extensive coverage across the United States. T-Mobile’s network has significantly expanded in recent years, offering reliable service in urban areas and many rural locations. However, it’s essential to check coverage in specific regions to ensure availability.

3.2 Boost Mobile Network Coverage

Boost Mobile operates on the Sprint network, which covers a substantial portion of the country. While the Sprint network has undergone integration with T-Mobile, resulting in expanded coverage, it may not be as extensive as T-Mobile’s network. Checking coverage maps is crucial for areas where connectivity is paramount.

3.3 Comparison of Coverage Areas

When comparing coverage areas, MetroPCS has an edge due to its association with T-Mobile, which boasts an extensive network. Boost Mobile’s coverage may be slightly more limited, especially in certain rural regions. Consider your location and travel habits to assess which carrier offers better coverage in your desired areas.

Plan Options and Pricing

Affordability and flexibility in plan options are crucial considerations when selecting a wireless carrier. Let’s explore the plans and pricing structures offered by MetroPCS and Boost Mobile.

4.1 MetroPCS Plans and Pricing

MetroPCS offers a range of plans tailored to different user needs. They provide unlimited talk, text, and data plans, with varying data allotments. Additionally, MetroPCS offers family plans and options for international calling and roaming. Prices depend on the plan selected, with discounts available for multiple lines.

4.2 Boost Mobile Plans and Pricing

Boost Mobile also offers a diverse range of plans, including unlimited options with varying data caps. Additionally, Boost Mobile provides family plans and add-ons for international calling and data roaming. Prices are competitive and often lower than traditional contract-based carriers.

4.3 Plan Comparison

When comparing plans, consider factors such as data allowances, pricing, and additional features. MetroPCS and Boost Mobile cater to different user preferences, so it’s crucial to evaluate which plan aligns better with your usage patterns and budget.

Device Selection and Compatibility

Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a wireless carrier is device selection and compatibility. Let’s delve into the options provided by MetroPCS and Boost Mobile.

5.1 MetroPCS Device Selection

MetroPCS offers a wide selection of devices, including smartphones from popular manufacturers. They provide both high-end and budget-friendly options, ensuring customers have ample choices to suit their preferences and budget.

5.2 Boost Mobile Device Selection

Boost Mobile also offers an extensive range of smartphones, ranging from flagship devices to budget-friendly models. They collaborate with various manufacturers to provide a diverse device lineup, catering to different customer needs.

5.3 Device Compatibility

Both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs, allowing customers to use their existing compatible devices. It’s essential to check compatibility on their respective websites or visit their stores to ensure your device will work with the carrier of your choice.

Customer Service and Support

Quality customer service can significantly impact your overall experience with a wireless carrier. Let’s compare the customer service and support offered by MetroPCS and Boost Mobile.

6.1 MetroPCS Customer Service

MetroPCS places a strong emphasis on customer service, providing various support channels such as phone support, online chat, and in-store assistance. They also have an extensive knowledge base and FAQ section on their website to address common queries and concerns.

6.2 Boost Mobile Customer Service

Boost Mobile offers customer support through multiple channels, including phone support, live chat, and an online community forum. They strive to resolve customer issues promptly and have resources available on their website to help users troubleshoot common problems.

6.3 Comparison of Customer Service

Both carriers offer reliable customer service options, but the quality of service may vary based on individual experiences. Consider reading customer reviews and assessing the accessibility and responsiveness of customer support channels to make an informed decision.

Additional Features and Benefits

Apart from essential services, carriers often differentiate themselves through additional features and benefits. Let’s explore what MetroPCS and Boost Mobile offer in this regard.

MetroPCS Features and Benefits

MetroPCS provides various additional features and benefits, such as data prioritization, mobile hotspot capabilities, and access to T-Mobile’s nationwide network. They also offer perks like free music streaming and discounted subscription services.

Boost Mobile Features and Benefits

Boost Mobile offers its customers additional features like data-free music streaming and access to select streaming services without consuming data. They also provide mobile hotspot capabilities on certain plans, allowing users to share their data connection with other devices.

Feature Comparison

When comparing features and benefits, assess which ones align with your preferences and enhance your overall mobile experience. MetroPCS and Boost Mobile offer different perks, so evaluate them based on your specific needs.

Pros and Cons

To provide a comprehensive comparison, let’s summarize the pros and cons of both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile.

MetroPCS Pros and Cons


  • Extensive network coverage through T-Mobile
  • Diverse plan options to suit different user needs
  • Strong emphasis on customer service and support
  • Additional features and benefits like data prioritization and free music streaming


  • Availability may be limited in certain rural areas
  • Prices may be higher compared to some budget carriers

Boost Mobile Pros and Cons


  • Competitive pricing and affordability
  • Wide selection of devices available
  • Additional features like data-free music streaming
  • Expanded coverage due to integration with T-Mobile


  • Network coverage may be slightly more limited compared to MetroPCS
  • Customer service experiences may vary

Overall Comparison

Both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile have their strengths and weaknesses. Consider the factors that matter most to you, such as coverage, plan options, pricing, customer service, and additional features, to determine which carrier suits your needs.

How do I switch from MetroPCS to Boost Mobile or vice versa?

To switch carriers, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the carrier you want to switch to (MetroPCS or Boost Mobile).
  2. Ensure your device is compatible with the new carrier’s network.
  3. Purchase a SIM card or a new device if necessary.
  4. Activate your service with the new carrier, either online or in-store.
  5. During the activation process, you can choose to transfer your existing phone number if desired.
  6. Follow the instructions provided by the new carrier to complete the switch and set up your device.


Choosing between MetroPCS and Boost Mobile involves assessing your priorities, preferences, and budget. Consider factors like network coverage, plan options, device compatibility, customer service, and additional features to make an informed decision. Remember to check coverage maps and read customer reviews before making a final choice.


Can I keep my current phone number if I switch from MetroPCS to Boost Mobile?

Yes, both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile allow customers to transfer their existing phone numbers when switching carriers. This process is known as “porting” and can usually be done during the activation or sign-up process.

Which network provides better coverage in rural areas?

While both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile have expanded their coverage, MetroPCS, utilizing T-Mobile’s network, tends to have better coverage in rural areas. However, it’s essential to check coverage maps and consult local users for a more accurate assessment.

Do MetroPCS and Boost Mobile offer international calling options?

Yes, both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile offer international calling options. They provide various plans and add-ons that allow customers to make calls or send text messages to international numbers. Prices and coverage vary depending on the destination country.

Can I bring my own device to MetroPCS or Boost Mobile?

Yes, both MetroPCS and Boost Mobile support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs. They have compatibility checks on their websites that allow you to determine if your device is compatible with their networks. It’s recommended to check their websites or visit their stores for specific device compatibility information.

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